Object Oriented Programming In Python-
- Python is a fully object oriented programming language because it doesn’t support static data type concept where you need to declare the the data type at the time of variable creation.
- 1) Encapsulation
- 2) Inheritance
- 3) Abstraction(Python doesn’t support this but somehow we can do it)
- 4) Polymorphism
- 1) Encapsulation-
- – Protecting the object info from outside access.
- – To implement encapsulation, we have to follow below-
- 1) Class should be public
- 2) Variables should be private
- 3) We can access the info only via methods like setter() and getter()
class Student: def __init__(self, rollno, name): self.__name = name self.__rollno = rollno def getName(self): return self.__name def getrollno(self): return self.__rollno def setrollno(self, rollno): self.__rollno = rollno print("Rollno was set") def setName(self, name): self.__name = name print("Name was set") def main(): obj = Student(101, 'Rohit') obj.getName() rollno = obj.getrollno() print("RollNo before set-", rollno) obj.setrollno(102) rollno = obj.getrollno() print("RollNo after set-", rollno) print(id(obj.getrollno)) Student.main() Output- RollNo before set- 101 Rollno was set RollNo after set- 102 2361410337992