
  • Jupyter notebook and Jupyter lab both are nothing but a type of IDE(integrated development environment) like eclipse but jupyter works on web-browser whereas eclipse works as standalone application.

Jupyter Lab = Jupyter Notebook + Some More Features How To Start Jupyter Notebook Server-

  • 1) Type ‘Anaconda’ in search bar.
  • 2) Once anaconda is opened then type below command to start jupyter notebook (base) C:\Users\simplealgo>jupyter notebook
  • 3) And it will start the Jupyter server with URL ‘http://localhost:8888/tree’

How To Start Jupyter Lab-

  • 1) Type ‘Anaconda’ in search bar.
  • 2) Once anaconda is opened then type below command to start jupyter lab (base) C:\Users\simplealgo>jupyter lab
  • 3) And it will start the Jupyter server with URL ‘http://localhost:8888/lab’

How To Create Jupyter Notebook-

  • 1) File -> New -> Notebook
  • 2) It will ask you for the kernal or python version on which you want to create the notebook.
  • 3) Then file will be saved with name ‘Untitled.ipnyb’ where the extension ipnyb means ‘i python notebook’

Earlier the jupyter was named as ‘i python’ but latter on it’s name was changed to ‘jupyter’.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Output - 1.18.5